My whole world had fallen apart. Everything I had built and worked for over the previous 20 years had crumbled to pieces. It was like my life had been turned upside down shaking everything out.
I am an artist and the career path I had chosen, a hand lettering sign painter, had been replaced by technology. My skill had been replaced by the computer making the abled disabled and disabled abled.
In search for a new opportunity I moved to California, where I was quickly enamored with the beautiful display of Window Splashes used for business promotions and marketing. I had been a sign painter for many years but I had never seen such a lavish display, as this practice was not prevalent in Canada.
Upon returning from California, I was living with my mother. It was Halloween and she had no pumpkin or decorations at which point I decided to paint a decoration on her window.
How cool was that!!!
The following day, Nov. 1, my mind became alive with ideas and enthusiasm as I decided to pursue my passion and turn my old fashioned skill into the possibility of painting Christmas Window Art.
I had no job prospects and Christmas was coming. I had to do something. I had seen Tim Horton’s store #1 had their windows painted for Christmas by a gentleman from Hamilton that worked full time for one of the steel mills.
Tim Horton’s stores started in Hamilton in 1994 and by then had about 20 locations in the area. I began calling each store telling them that I painted Christmas Window Art and could I show them some ideas.
Almost every one of them said yes and Christmas Window Art was born.
I had no portfolio so I collected some Christmas cards and pictures from a Christmas coloring book, put them in a 3 ring binder began to see the prospects I had called.
I was greeted with enthusiasm and cheers by the owners and managers who were happy to have their stores decorated for the coming Christmas season.
I proceeded to make my own stencils, bought my supplies and went to work.
In 6 weeks I spread greetings of Christmas joy and cheer, changing my life forever and earning over $5000 and just in time for Christmas.
How cool is that to make some extra income during Christmas season by painting windows!

So if this seems like something that would be fun and also a potentially great way to utilize the skill-set of you or some of your family member, then please sign up here to learn tips and ideas on how to get you started.