Do you want your kids to be smart and successful, but also want them to be good?
Do you want them to be the kind of people other parents would like to see their kids marry?
Do you want them to make sound, values-based decisions that will help them be safe and happy?
Do you, like most parents, spend a lot of time trying to instil in them virtues like honesty, respect, responsibility, fairness, and kindness?
Building character is more complicated than teaching art, math or manners.
It involves the heart as well as the head.
The goal is to make good thoughts and conduct a matter of habit.
You want my children to know what’s good, want what’s good, and do what’s good.
Effective character building is captured in the acronym T.E.A.M. – teach, enforce, advocate, and model.
We teach character by promoting and developing the values and virtues that make up a good person – trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. We need to be sure kids understand what each of these traits looks like.
We entrench these values by enforcing them, by backing up our rhetoric with appropriate consequences.
What you allow, you encourage.
Advocating values means passionately and relentlessly stating our commitment to the good character so our children have no doubt what we want for them and expect from them.
Finally, and most crucial, we must teach positive values by example, modelling the virtues we want to see in our children. We teach values by the way we deal with pressures, frustrations, fatigue, and other everyday actions, especially what we say and do when we think no one’s looking.
By encouraging them to express their creativity and passion with courage and confidence we instil inner strength and a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Want to try window painting for kids? 
This DIY window art activity is so much fun and really not as hard as you might think!
Teach your kids to paint your own windows at home with this FREE easy-to-follow art guide + get FREE stencils to get you started right away!
Download here 👉 https://tinyurl.com/bajv7zr2