Hi, It’s a great day and welcome to my studio.
We have been having a lot of fun over the past few months with exciting window art painting and activities. We have been painting A Valentines Heart, Leprechaun, Easter Eggs and Unicorns.
Today we are going to do something a little different.
Tell me what you want and I’ll show you how to get it, is what I heard a very wise man once said. How can that be, I thought? Is this true?
I learned that what he had to say was indeed true. I had tried it and had the experience to prove it and now I am going to share it with you.
I am going to show you how to create anything you want within the bounds of nature.
Today I’m going to introduce you to my buddy THE STICK PERSON we are going to name STICKY
STICKY is a LARGE CIRCLE with a line horizontally across the middle which is STICKY’s brain. From under the large circle is a short line attached to a smaller circle. Two short lines like arms and two short lines like legs are protruding from the small circle. THAT IS STICKY.
The top part of STICKY’S brain represents the conscious mind with the bottom part being the subconscious mind. The little circle represents the body.
Our mind is the largest part of who we are and is divided into 2 parts.
The conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind fills every cell of your body while the conscious mind takes in information.
Our conscious mind is also referred to as our thinking mind. This is where we are connected to our senses of hearing, tasting, touching, smelling and seeing. This is the part of the brain where we learn and study. This part of the brain is letting in new information continually through social media, TV, radio, news, people, music etc., etc.,
The bottom part is our subconscious mind. This is the part of the mind that is actually in control of your entire life. Your subconscious is the part of your mind that keeps your heart beating with you having to think about it. It keeps your lungs breathing on their own and the blood flowing freely through your veins. This is also the part of your brain that stores every emotional experience positive or negative as well as all your beliefs and habits good and bad. This is the hard drive of your life storing everything.
Now as you see the brain is much larger than the body and this is so. The body is just the instrument of the brain. The body does what the brain tells it.
Now here is the secret. Everything that you have learned emotionally is in control of your life.
To create what you want to create in your life you must fill your conscious mind with positive thoughts of what you want to create. Whether you want to paint your window or just a picture of a Unicorn. Maybe you want to write a story or perhaps a play. Whatever it is you want to create, plant it in your mind continuously with seeds of your desired creation until you can feel it emotionally.
As you plant these thoughts of creativity in your conscious mind they will go into your subconscious mind causing your body to go into action to create the results. This is a very simple introduction to STICKY and your own creativity.
What is it you want to create?
Dream big! The future you see defines the person you’ll be.
Thanks for spending the time with me.
Remember to please leave me your questions and comments.
Until the next time….
Be the Magic and Shine Brightly
P.S. There is something exciting coming soon!!!!