4 Ways to Awaken your Creative Genius and Innovative Side - Window Art Kit

There are two types of creativity.

Artistic creativity

which is a form of self-expression showing up as art work, music, theatre, dance, cooking, writing and designing. This self-expressive creativity is also necessary for psychological well-being.

Technical creativity

which helps you problem solve and create new theories and ideas while using apps, calculations and technology.

Here are some tools to help push your creative boundaries.

1. Imagination

The imagination is the beginning of all things.

Everything is first an image or a thought.

Whatever we can think, do or create begins with the imagination.

“What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve”, said Napoleon Hill.

Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.

For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”

Challenge: Imagine yourself three year from now being doing or having created the life of your dreams. Write it out in the personal positive present tense as though you have already accomplished what you have imagined.

Start with, I am so happy and grateful now……..

Aim high, the future you see defines the person you’ll be.

2. Intuition

Great mathematicians, scientists, painters, musicians and designers alike often credit the role of intuition as part of the creative process.

For example, intuition was described as being at the core of the creative visions of Steve Jobs genius as the creator of Apple.

Einstein said, “When the solution is simple, God is answering.”

Intuition often shows up as Soul urges longing to be expressed through our unique creative outlet.

Often stress and frustration can be relieved with a creative outlet.

Our connection to Universal Intelligence continuously prompts our expressive creativity as a form of evolution.

Challenge: Meditation Relax in a comfortable chair with your feet on the floor and your hands on your lap in an upward position.

Sounds of Nature or silence can be used at this time.

Be distractions free. Ask Universal Intelligent for guidance with your creative project.


Take 3 slow deep breaths, breathing in to the count of 4, hold your breath for the count of 2 and breathe out for the count of 6. Commence normal breathing and listen to your breath.

Stay focused listening to your breathing for 5 to 10 minutes or as long as you can. If you get distracted just go back to listening to your own breath.

Be open and aware of feelings, thoughts or insights that come to you. Listen to the message that Universal Intelligence has.

You are unique.

Keep calm and be awesome.

3. Necessity

We live in a world of constant change. Inventiveness and ingenuity are stimulated by difficulty.

There are always challenges in life to overcome causing us to rely on our creative capacity for mere survival.

There are moments in our life when our creativity, like fear, saves us from our certain doom.

Often from these experiences come some of our greatest creations. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Challenge: Choose Choose a necessity that you have been putting off and create a solution.

Write it on a piece of paper placing in the middle of a table slowly moving around the table to look at it from a different angle or from a different perspective.

This is a good exercise and it really works.

It is a great exercise for your imagination.

How many different ways can you creatively solve your necessity When we change the way we look at a thing the thing we look at changes.

Create your solution.

It does not have to be art or music but it must be a creative solution.

Express you Creativity!

4. Intellect

Scientists have found a correlation between individuals having an IQ or 120 or more having a higher level of creativity.

The relationship between intelligence and creativity is more of an overlap of skills or abilities instead of a dependence of one another.

The main difference between creativity and intelligence is that creativity is the ability to create new ideas and concepts and also to enact or to produce them while intelligence is the ability to acquire knowledge and to utilize it.

Thus both aspects of one’s intellect are closely linked together.

Challenge: Choose something that you know intellectually and feel enthusiastic about.

Create a piece of art, poem, song, meal, sweater, book or whatever inspires your creativity.

Keep a daily journal writing 3 pages of whatever comes to your mind the first thing in the morning.

Flex your creative muscles and express your own unique creative style.

You are Unique!

You are Creative!

You are a lavish expression of God!